Dedicated WordPress Hosting (VPS)
While there are many hosting options available, a Virtual Private Server (VPS) and dedicated hosting are two higher-level solutions. VPS and dedicated hosting are among the higher tier of hosting options for WordPress websites. Both use just one server to host a website but in different ways. The former offers hosting on a shared server that contains virtual ‘divisions’. The server can be split among many different websites, meaning resources are limited.
In contrast, a dedicated hosting environment means you have the entire server – including its various resources – to yourself. In other words, your website is the only one on the server.

Speed and performance are crucial elements of your website’s User Experience (UX). However, uptime is also important, and is a serious factor to consider when choosing your hosting plan.
With both VPS and dedicated hosting, your website is found on one server. This can mean if something happens to the physical server, you may experience site downtime. Where VPS and dedicated differ is in how often downtime can occur.
VPS hosting occurs in a shared environment, which means resources can often be spread thinly. On occasion, this may overload the server and cause downtime for all websites being hosted.
As such, dedicated hosting is the better option. With only your website located on the server, there is less risk of resource overload. You can also be sure your server is better protected against hacks and other malicious attacks, which brings us to security
Security is one factor that absolutely cannot be ignored. As mentioned above, both VPS and dedicated hosting use a single server. This makes it possible to secure your website quite easily. However, there’s no doubt that dedicated hosting is the more secure option.
In short, both options provide administrator access at the Operating System (OS) level. You also have varying levels of control over the customization process, depending on the server’s setup.
However, where a dedicated server beats VPS is when it comes to server-level access. With a dedicated server, you have direct access to it (unlike VPS, which is of course virtual). Depending on your host, this means you can choose from a variety of server upgrades, including database software and memory.
For high-traffic websites, flexibility is critical. It enables you to customize your resource needs and ensure you can grow your website.
VPS and dedicated hosting offers month-to-month scalability, which means you can alter your resources (including network bandwidth) on a regular basis. Essentially, you pay for what you use.
VPS and dedicated hosting plans can be scaled monthly. You’ll know exactly what you’re paying each month, and there are no overage charges associated with resource use. If the resource levels you chose last month didn’t seem to be enough, you can always scale up for an established fee.